Configure a Fake Base

Configure a fake base to test implementing a base component on your machine without any physical hardware:

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine’s page in the Viam app. Click the + icon next to your machine part in the left-hand menu and select Component. Select the base type, then select the fake model. Enter a name or use the suggested name for your base and click Create.

An example configuration for a fake base in the Viam app Config Builder.
  "name": "<your-base-name>",
  "type": "base",
  "model": "fake",
  "namespace": "rdk",
  "attributes": {}

No attributes are available for fake bases. See GitHub for API call return specifications.

Test the base

After you configure the base, go to the CONTROL tab and expand the base component to view the controls to enable keyboard or discrete control over your machine’s movement. If your base makes use of a camera component, the CONTROL tab for your base will also display a Live Feeds section. This section contains buttons to toggle cameras on or off and to arrange how you view the camera feeds.

The base component in control tab

On the Keyboard tab, you can toggle the keyboard control to active. With the Keyboard toggle active, use W and S to go forward and back, and A and D to arc and spin.

Try driving your base around using the WASD keyboard controls.

If you navigate to the Discrete tab, you can use movement modes such as Straight and Spin and different movement types such as Continuous and Discrete and directions such as Forwards and Backwards.

If you do not see the base card in the CONTROL tab, check the LOGS tab for possible setup or configuration errors.

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