Run SDK Code

After saving your code sample and adding control logic with Viam’s SDKs, run your program to control your Viam-connected machine.


To authenticate yourself to your machine, you need

  1. The machine part’s API key:

    To authenticate, use a machine part API key or an API key with access to the machine. Copy and paste the API key ID and the API key into your environment variables or directly into the code:

    async def connect():
        opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key(
            # Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key
            # Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key
            # ID
        return await RobotClient.at_address('ADDRESS FROM THE VIAM APP', opts)
    robot, err := client.New(
        // Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key ID
            Type:    rpc.CredentialsTypeAPIKey,
            // Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key
            Payload: "<API-KEY>",
    // Replace with the host of your actual machine running Viam.
    const host = "ADDRESS FROM THE VIAM APP";
    const robot = await VIAM.createRobotClient({
      credential: {
        type: "api-key",
        // Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key
        payload: "<API-KEY>",
      // Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key ID
      authEntity: "<API-KEY-ID>",
      signalingAddress: "",
    std::string host("ADDRESS FROM THE VIAM APP");
    DialOptions dial_opts;
    // Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" with your machine's API key ID
    // Replace "<API-KEY>" with your machine's API key
    Credentials credentials("<API-KEY>");
    boost::optional<DialOptions> opts(dial_opts);
    Options options(0, opts);
    auto robot = RobotClient::at_address(host, options);
    Future<void> connectToViam() async {
      const host = 'ADDRESS FROM THE VIAM APP';
      // Replace '<API-KEY-ID>' (including brackets) with your API key ID
      const apiKeyID = '<API-KEY-ID>';
      // Replace '<API-KEY>' (including brackets) with your API key
      const apiKey = '<API-KEY>';
      final robot = await RobotClient.atAddress(
        RobotClientOptions.withApiKey(apiKeyId, apiKey),
  1. The machine’s remote address:

    Include the address, which resembles The machine address is a public address to connect to your machine. You can find this address at the top of the machine’s CONTROL tab or on the CONNECT tab’s Code sample page.

Run code remotely

You can remotely control your machine from anywhere in the world. If your machine and your personal computer are both connected to the Internet, you can run code to control your machine remotely from your personal computer.

A client connecting remotely to a machine

This method is convenient for most use cases because your machine and your personal computer do not have to be connected to the same WAN/LAN to issue control commands. When you run code on one computer, creating a client session, the code running on that computer sends instructions to your machine’s viam-server instance over the Internet.

After editing your code to include your machine’s authentication credentials, run a command to execute the program in the terminal of a computer with the appropriate programming language and Viam SDK installed:

python3 ~/myCode/
go run ~/myCode/myViamFile.go

For an example, see this execution demo.

For information on running C++ code see the instructions on GitHub.

flutter run <DART_FILE>

As long as that computer is able to establish a network connection with the machine’s computer, your control logic will be executed on the machine.

If the internet becomes unavailable to the machine or to your computer but a local network is available, your code will continue to run as described in the next section:

Run code on local network

Your machines do not need to be connected to the Internet for you to be able to run code. As long as your machine is connected to the same LAN or WAN network as the device running the code, you can connect to it and run code.

When you use the connection code sample from the CONNECT tab, that code establishes a client session that automatically uses the most efficient route to send commands to your machine. That means that when the device your code runs on is on the same network as your machine, even if internet is available, the connection will choose the most efficient route and connect over LAN or WAN. If you subsequently lose internet connectivity, but stay connected to LAN or WAN, the connection will thus remain.

Run code on-machine

You can run SDK code directly on your machine. If you run PID control loops or your machines have intermittent or no network connectivity, you can ensure lags in communication do not interfere with the machine’s performance by running the control code on the same board that is running viam-server. Running everything on one machine is also convenient if you have a machine (for example, an air quality sensor) that runs all the time, and you don’t want to have to connect to it from a separate computer constantly.

A client running on a machine

The script you run on-machine is the same as the script you run remotely or on a local network. When the connection code from the CONNECT tab’s Code sample page executes, it creates a client session connected to your machine using the most efficient route. Because the code is running on the same machine as viam-server, the favored route for commands is automatically over localhost.

Install the appropriate programming language and Viam SDK on your machine and run a command to execute the program in the terminal of that machine instead of from a separate computer:

python3 ~/myCode/
go run ~/myCode/myViamFile.go

For an example, see this execution demo.

For information on running C++ code see the instructions on GitHub.

flutter run <DART_FILE>

Run code automatically as a process

If you want to run your code on-machine automatically when your machine boots, you can configure your machine to run your code as a process. You can configure the process to run once on boot, or continuously.

Find information on how to configure a process in Processes.

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