Configure a Soft Robotics Gripper

The softrobotics model supports the Soft Robotics mGrip gripper controlled by the Soft Robotics coDrive Control Unit.

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine’s page in the Viam app. Click the + icon next to your machine part in the left-hand menu and select Component. Select the gripper type, then select the softrobotics model. Enter a name or use the suggested name for your gripper and click Create.

Creation of a softrobotics gripper component in the Viam app config builder.

Fill in the attributes as applicable to your gripper, according to the table below.

  "components": [
      "name": "<your-gripper-name>",
      "model": "softrobotics",
      "type": "gripper",
      "namespace": "rdk",
      "attributes": {
        "board": "<your-board-name>",
        "open": "<pin-number-on-board>",
        "close": "<pin-number-on-board>",
        "power": "<pin-number-on-board>",
        "analog_reader": "psi"
  "components": [
      "name": "local",
      "model": "pi",
      "type": "board",
      "namespace": "rdk",
      "attributes": {
        "analogs": [
            "name": "psi",
            "pin": "32"
      "name": "my_gripper",
      "model": "softrobotics",
      "type": "gripper",
      "namespace": "rdk",
      "attributes": {
        "board": "local",
        "open": "11",
        "close": "13",
        "power": "15",
        "analog_reader": "psi"

The following attributes are available for softrobotics grippers:

boardRequiredstringThe name of the board to which your gripper control unit is wired.
openRequiredstringThe pin number of the board pin wired to the open pin (D1) on the gripper controller.
closeRequiredstringThe pin number of the board pin wired to the close pin (D2) on the gripper controller.
powerRequiredstringThe pin number of the board pin wired to the enable pin (D3) on the gripper controller.
analog_readerRequiredstringMust be called "psi". You must configure an analog on your board and name it "psi".

Test the gripper

After you configure your gripper, navigate to the CONTROL tab and select the dropdown panel dedicated to the gripper. Use the buttons to open and close the gripper.

The gripper component in the control tab

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