
The viam-agent is a self-updating service manager that maintains the lifecycle for itself and the following system services:

  • viam-server: the core of the machine
  • agent-provisioning: device provisioning subsystem that can set up machine configs and manage WiFi networks. For more information see Provisioning.
  • agent-syscfg: provides various operating system and system configuration tweaks

Among other things, viam-agent:

  • Installs, runs, and monitors viam-server You can also use a custom build of viam-server, if needed.
  • Provides automatic updates for viam-server, the agent itself, and any configured subsystems (such as the agent-provisioning subsystem).
  • Allows control of deployed software versions through the Viam app.

To provision machines using viam-agent, see


You can install viam-agent using either an existing machine’s part ID and API key, or using an existing machine credentials configuration file at /etc/viam.json.

  1. The first step is to create a new machine in the Viam app.
  2. Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab and find your machine’s card. An alert will be present directing you to Set up your machine part:

Machine setup alert in a newly created machine

Click View setup instructions to open the setup instructions. Then navigate to the machine part’s setup and follow the instructions to install viam server with viam-agent.

The command will be of the following form:

sudo /bin/sh -c "VIAM_API_KEY_ID=<KEYID> VIAM_API_KEY=<KEY> VIAM_PART_ID=<PARTID>; $(curl -fsSL"

viam-agent will install itself as a systemd service named viam-agent. For information on managing the service, see Manage viam-agent.


Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine’s page in the Viam app. Click the + icon next to your machine part in the left-hand menu and select Agent.

Configuration of viam-agent

Edit and fill in the attributes as applicable.

  "agent": {
    "viam-agent": {
      "release_channel": "stable",
      "pin_version": "",
      "pin_url": ""
    "viam-server": {
      "release_channel": "stable",
      "pin_version": "",
      "pin_url": "",
      "disable_subsystem": false,
      "attributes": {
        "fast_start": false
    "agent-provisioning": {
      "release_channel": "stable",
      "pin_version": "",
      "pin_url": "",
      "disable_subsystem": false,
      "networks": []
    "agent-syscfg": {
      "release_channel": "stable",
      "pin_version": "",
      "pin_url": "",
      "disable_subsystem": false
  "agent": {
    "viam-agent": {
      "pin_version": "1.2.3"
    "viam-server": {
      "attributes": {
        "fast_start": true
    "agent-provisioning": {
      "attributes": {
        "hotspot_password": "acme123",
        "networks": [
            "type": "wifi",
            "ssid": "fallbackNetOne",
            "psk": "myFirstPassword",
            "priority": 30
            "type": "wifi",
            "ssid": "fallbackNetTwo",
            "psk": "mySecondPassword",
            "priority": 10
    "agent-syscfg": {
      "attributes": {
        "logging": {
          "disable": true,
          "system_max_use": "128M",
          "runtime_max_use": "96M"
        "upgrades": {
          "type": "all"

Each section primarily controls updates for that subsystem:


release_channelstringOptionalviam-agent is semantically versioned and is tested before release. Releases happen infrequently. When set to "stable", viam-agent will automatically upgrade when a new version is released. Options: "stable" (default).
pin_versionstringOptionalLock the subsystem to a specific version (as provided by the release channel). If set, no automatic upgrades will be performed until the setting is updated to a new version (or removed to revert to the release channel). If both pin_url and pin_version is set, pin_url will be used. Default: "".
pin_urlstringOptionalIgnore normal version selection and directly download from the specified URL. If set, no automatic upgrades will be performed until the setting is updated to a new URL (or removed to revert to the release channel). Typically this is only used for testing/troubleshooting. If both pin_url and pin_version is set, pin_url will be used. Default: "".


release_channelstringOptionalviam-agent is semantically versioned and is tested before release. Releases happen infrequently. When set to "stable", viam-agent will automatically upgrade when a new version is released. Options: "stable" (default), "latest".
pin_versionstringOptional“Lock” the subsystem to a specific version (as provided by the release channel). If set, no automatic upgrades will be performed until the setting is updated to a new version (or removed to revert to the release channel). If both pin_url and pin_version is set, pin_url will be used. Default: "".
pin_urlstringOptionalIgnore normal version selection and directly download from the specified URL. If set, no automatic upgrades will be performed until the setting is updated to a new URL (or removed to revert to the release channel). Typically this is only used for testing/troubleshooting. If both pin_url and pin_version is set, pin_url will be used. Default: "".
disable_subsystembooleanOptionalWhen set to true it disables the viam-server subsystem.
  • fast_start: If set to true, viam-agent will not wait for a network connection nor check for updates before starting viam-server. See Fast start mode.

Fast start mode

You can use fast start mode to bypass viam-agent waiting for a network connection to be established and checking for updates during initial startup. This will result in viam-server executing as quickly as possible.

This is useful if you have a device that often starts when offline or on a slow connection, and if having the latest version immediately after start isn’t required.

You can also start viam-agent in fast start mode by setting VIAM_AGENT_FAST_START=1 in your environment.


release_channelstringOptionalagent-provisioning is semantically versioned and is tested before release. Releases happen infrequently. When set to "stable", viam-agent will automatically upgrade when a new version is released. Options: "stable" (default), "latest".
pin_versionstringOptionalLock the subsystem to a specific version (as provided by the release channel). If set, no automatic upgrades will be performed until the setting is updated to a new version (or removed to revert to the release channel). If both pin_url and pin_version is set, pin_url will be used. Default: "".
pin_urlstringOptionalIgnore normal version selection and directly download from the specified URL. If set, no automatic upgrades will be performed until the setting is updated to a new URL (or removed to revert to the release channel). Typically this is only used for testing/troubleshooting. If both pin_url and pin_version is set, pin_url will be used. Default: "".
disable_subsystembooleanOptionalWhen set to true it disables the agent-provisioning subsystem.
attributesobjectOptionalYou can override all attributes from the viam-agent configuration file here. The viam-agent configuration file is generally customized by the manufacturer to provide “out of the box” settings. The attributes configured in the machine config in the Viam app can let you as the machine user override those if you wish. For security purposes, you should change the hotspot_password. You can also configure roaming_mode and add any additional networks you want to configure.
  • hotspot_password: Overwrite the password set for the WiFi hotspot a machine creates during provisioning.
  • networks: Networks a machine can automatically connect to when roaming mode is enabled. See Networks.
  • roaming_mode: If enabled, lets the machine connect to additional configured networks. See Networks.


For an already-online device, you can add additional networks to the machine’s viam-agent configuration. It’s primarily useful for a machine that might move between different WiFi networks, so the machine can automatically connect when moved between locations.

To add additional networks add them using the JSON editor for your device’s config in the Viam app.

If roaming_mode is enabled, agent-provisioning will try to connect to each specified network in order of priority from highest to lowest. If the highest-priority network is not available or the machine can connect but internet is not available, viam-agent will then attempt to connect to the next-highest network, and so on until all configured networks have been tried.

typestringThe type of the network. Options: "wifi"
ssidstringThe network’s SSID.
pskstringThe network pass key.
priorityintPriority to choose the network with. Values between -999 and 999. Default: 0.

The following configuration defines the connection information and credentials for two WiFi networks named fallbackNetOne and fallbackNetTwo:

"agent": {
  "agent-provisioning": {
    "attributes": {
      "roaming_mode": true,
      "networks": [
          "type": "wifi",
          "ssid": "fallbackNetOne",
          "psk": "myFirstPassword",
          "priority": 30
          "type": "wifi",
          "ssid": "fallbackNetTwo",
          "psk": "mySecondPassword",
          "priority": 10


agent-syscfg is a subsystem (plugin) for viam-agent that provides a number of system and operating system configuration helpers.

release_channelstringOptionalagent-syscfg is semantically versioned and is tested before release. Releases happen infrequently. When set to "stable", viam-agent will automatically upgrade when a new version is released. Options: "stable" (default), "latest".
pin_versionstringOptional“Lock” the subsystem to a specific version (as provided by the release channel). If set, no automatic upgrades will be performed until the setting is updated to a new version (or removed to revert to the release channel). If both pin_url and pin_version is set, pin_url will be used. Default: "".
pin_urlstringOptionalIgnore normal version selection and directly download from the specified URL. If set, no automatic upgrades will be performed until the setting is updated to a new URL (or removed to revert to the release channel). Typically this is only used for testing/troubleshooting. If both pin_url and pin_version is set, pin_url will be used. Default: "".
disable_subsystembooleanOptionalWhen set to true it disables the agent-syscfg subsystem.
  • logging: parameters for logging
    • system_max_use: sets the maximum disk space journald will user for persistent log storage. Numeric values are in bytes, with optional single letter suffix for larger units, for example. K, M, or G. Default: 512M.
    • runtime_max_use: sets the runtime/temporary limit. Numeric values are in bytes, with optional single letter suffix for larger units, for example. K, M, or G. Default: 512M.
    • disable: when set to true, the defaults for 512M limits are ignored and the operating system defaults are used.
  • upgrades: using upgrades installs the unattended-upgrades package, and replace 20auto-upgrades and 50unattended-upgrades in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/, with the latter’s Origins-Pattern list being generated automatically from configured repositories on the system, so custom repos (at the time the setting is enabled) will be included.
    • type: Configured unattended upgrades for Debian bullseye and bookworm. Options: "" (no effect), "disable" (disables automatic upgrades), "security" (only enables updates from sources with “security” in their codename, ex: bookworm-security), "all" (enable updates from all configured sources).

The following configuration allows all upgrades from configured sources and sets the maximum disk space journald will user for persistent log storage to 128MB and the runtime limit to 96MB:

"agent-syscfg": {
  "release_channel": "stable",
  "attributes": {
    "logging": {
      "disable": true,
      "system_max_use": "128M",
      "runtime_max_use": "96M"
    "upgrades": {
      "type": "all"

Version management for viam-agent and viam-server

viam-agent automatically updates both itself, its subsystems, and viam-server as new updates are released. You can configure update behavior for the Agent and viam-server using the Viam app.

To use a specific version of viam-agent and viam-server, you can pin the version.

For more information on managing viam-agent see:

Agent logs

viam-agent writes log messages to the Viam app. You can find these messages on the LOGS tab of your machine’s page.

viam-agent only sends messages when your machine is online and connected to the internet. If your machine is offline, log messages are queued and are sent to the Viam app once your machine reconnects to the internet.

These log messages include when viam-server is stopped and started, the status of agent subsystems, and any errors or warnings encountered during operation.

Next Steps

To see how to provision machines using viam-agent, see: