Act based on inferences

You can use the vision service API to get information about your machine’s inferences and program behavior based on that.

The following are examples of what you can do using a vision service alongside hardware:

Program a line following robot

For example, you can program a line following robot that uses a vision service to follow a colored object.

You can use the following code to detect and follow the location of a colored object:

Click to view code
async def connect():
    opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key(
        # Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key
        # Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" (including brackets) with your machine's
        # API key ID
    return await RobotClient.at_address("ADDRESS FROM THE VIAM APP", opts)

# Get largest detection box and see if it's center is in the left, center, or
# right third
def leftOrRight(detections, midpoint):
    largest_area = 0
    largest = {"x_max": 0, "x_min": 0, "y_max": 0, "y_min": 0}
    if not detections:
        print("nothing detected :(")
        return -1
    for d in detections:
        a = (d.x_max - d.x_min) * (d.y_max-d.y_min)
        if a > largest_area:
            a = largest_area
            largest = d
    centerX = largest.x_min + largest.x_max/2
    if centerX < midpoint-midpoint/6:
        return 0  # on the left
    if centerX > midpoint+midpoint/6:
        return 2  # on the right
        return 1  # basically centered

async def main():
    spinNum = 10         # when turning, spin the motor this much
    straightNum = 300    # when going straight, spin motor this much
    numCycles = 200      # run the loop X times
    vel = 500            # go this fast when moving motor

    # Connect to robot client and set up components
    machine = await connect()
    base = Base.from_robot(machine, "my_base")
    camera_name = "<camera-name>"
    camera = Camera.from_robot(machine, camera_name)
    frame = await camera.get_image(mime_type="image/jpeg")

    # Convert to PIL Image
    pil_frame = viam_to_pil_image(frame)

    # Grab the vision service for the detector
    my_detector = VisionClient.from_robot(machine, "my_color_detector")

    # Main loop. Detect the ball, determine if it's on the left or right, and
    # head that way. Repeat this for numCycles
    for i in range(numCycles):
        detections = await my_detector.get_detections_from_camera(camera_name)

        answer = leftOrRight(detections, pil_frame.size[0]/2)
        if answer == 0:
            await base.spin(spinNum, vel)     # CCW is positive
            await base.move_straight(straightNum, vel)
        if answer == 1:
            await base.move_straight(straightNum, vel)
        if answer == 2:
            await base.spin(-spinNum, vel)
        # If nothing is detected, nothing moves

    await robot.close()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Starting up... ")

If you configured the color detector to detect red in the Viam app, your rover should detect and navigate towards any red objects that come into view of its camera. Use something like a red sports ball or book cover as a target to follow to test your rover:

Act in industrial applications

You can also act based on inferences in an industrial context. For example, you can program a robot arm to halt operations when workers enter dangerous zones, preventing potential accidents.

The code for this would look like:

detections = await detector.get_detections_from_camera(camera_name)
for d in detections:
    if d.confidence > 0.6 and d.class_name == "PERSON":

You can also use inferences of computer vision for quality assurance purposes. For example, you can program a robot arm doing automated harvesting to use vision to identify ripe produce and pick crops selectively.

The code for this would look like:

classifications = await detector.get_classifications_from_camera(
for c in classifications:
    if d.confidence > 0.6 and d.class_name == "RIPE":

To get inferences programmatically, you will want to use the vision service API:

To implement industrial solutions in code, you can also explore the following component APIs: