You can create custom Python training scripts that train ML models to your specifications using PyTorch, Tensorflow, TFLite, ONNX, or any other Machine Learning framework.
Once you upload a training script to the Viam Registry, you can use it to build ML models in the Viam Cloud based on your datasets.
You can also use training scripts that are in the registry already.
If you wish to do this, skip to Submit a training job.
A dataset with data you can train an ML model on. Click to see instructions.
For image data, you can follow the instructions to Create a dataset to create a dataset and label data.
For other data you can use the Data Client API from within the training script to get data stored in the Viam Cloud.
The Viam CLI. Click to see instructions.
You must have the Viam CLI installed to upload training scripts to the registry.
You can also install the Viam CLI using brew on Linux amd64 (Intel x86_64):
brew tap viamrobotics/brews
brew install viam
Download the binary and run it directly to use the Viam CLI on a Windows computer.
If you have Go installed, you can build the Viam CLI directly from source using the go install command:
go install
To confirm viam is installed and ready to use, issue the viam command from your terminal.
If you see help instructions, everything is correctly installed.
If you do not see help instructions, add your local go/bin/* directory to your PATH variable.
If you use bash as your shell, you can use the following command:
If you haven’t already, create a folder called model and create an empty file inside it called
4. Add code
You can set up your training script to use a hard coded set of labels or allow users to pass in a set of labels when using the training script. Allowing users to pass in labels when using training scripts makes your training script more flexible for reuse.
Copy one of the following templates into, depending on how you want to handle labels:
Click to see the template without parsing labels (recommended for use with UI)
import argparse
import json
import os
import typing as ty
from tensorflow.keras import Model # Add proper import
import tensorflow as tf # Add proper import
labels_filename = "labels.txt"
unknown_label = "UNKNOWN"
API_KEY = os.environ['API_KEY']
API_KEY_ID = os.environ['API_KEY_ID']
# This parses the required args for the training script.
# The model_dir variable will contain the output directory where
# the ML model that this script creates should be stored.
# The data_json variable will contain the metadata for the dataset
# that you should use to train the model.
def parse_args():
"""Returns dataset file, model output directory, and num_epochs
if present. These must be parsed as command line arguments and then used
as the model input and output, respectively. The number of epochs can be
used to optionally override the default.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--dataset_file", dest="data_json",
type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--model_output_directory", dest="model_dir",
type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--num_epochs", dest="num_epochs", type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args.data_json, args.model_dir, args.num_epochs
# This is used for parsing the dataset file (produced and stored in Viam),
# parse it to get the label annotations
# Used for training classifiction models
def parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json(
filename: str, all_labels: ty.List[str], model_type: str
) -> ty.Tuple[ty.List[str], ty.List[str]]:
"""Load and parse JSON file to return image filenames and corresponding
labels. The JSON file contains lines, where each line has the key
"image_path" and "classification_annotations".
filename: JSONLines file containing filenames and labels
all_labels: list of all N_LABELS
model_type: string single_label or multi_label
image_filenames = []
image_labels = []
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
for line in f:
json_line = json.loads(line)
annotations = json_line["classification_annotations"]
labels = [unknown_label]
for annotation in annotations:
if model_type == multi_label:
if annotation["annotation_label"] in all_labels:
# For single label model, we want at most one label.
# If multiple valid labels are present, we arbitrarily select
# the last one.
if model_type == single_label:
if annotation["annotation_label"] in all_labels:
labels = [annotation["annotation_label"]]
return image_filenames, image_labels
# Parse the dataset file (produced and stored in Viam) to get
# bounding box annotations
# Used for training object detection models
def parse_filenames_and_bboxes_from_json(
filename: str,
all_labels: ty.List[str],
) -> ty.Tuple[ty.List[str], ty.List[str], ty.List[ty.List[float]]]:
"""Load and parse JSON file to return image filenames
and corresponding labels with bboxes.
filename: JSONLines file containing filenames and bboxes
all_labels: list of all N_LABELS
image_filenames = []
bbox_labels = []
bbox_coords = []
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
for line in f:
json_line = json.loads(line)
annotations = json_line["bounding_box_annotations"]
labels = []
coords = []
for annotation in annotations:
if annotation["annotation_label"] in all_labels:
# Store coordinates in rel_yxyx format so that
# we can use the keras_cv function
return image_filenames, bbox_labels, bbox_coords
# Build the model
def build_and_compile_model(
labels: ty.List[str], model_type: str, input_shape: ty.Tuple[int, int, int]
) -> Model:
"""Builds and compiles a model
labels: list of string lists, where each string list contains up to
N_LABEL labels associated with an image
model_type: string single_label or multi_label
input_shape: 3D shape of input
# TODO: Add logic to build and compile model
return model
def save_labels(labels: ty.List[str], model_dir: str) -> None:
"""Saves a label.txt of output labels to the specified model directory.
labels: list of string lists, where each string list contains up to
N_LABEL labels associated with an image
model_dir: output directory for model artifacts
filename = os.path.join(model_dir, labels_filename)
with open(filename, "w") as f:
for label in labels[:-1]:
f.write(label + "\n")
def save_model(
model: Model,
model_dir: str,
model_name: str,
) -> None:
"""Save model as a TFLite model.
model: trained model
model_dir: output directory for model artifacts
model_name: name of saved model
# Save the model to the output directory
file_type = "tflite" # Add proper file type
filename = os.path.join(model_dir, f"{model_name}.{file_type}")
# Example: Convert to TFLite
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
tflite_model = converter.convert()
# Save the model
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
DATA_JSON, MODEL_DIR = parse_args()
IMG_SIZE = (256, 256)
# Read dataset file.
# TODO: change labels to the desired model output.
LABELS = ["orange_triangle", "blue_star"]
# The model type can be changed based on whether you want the model to
# output one label per image or multiple labels per image
model_type = multi_label
image_filenames, image_labels = parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json(
DATA_JSON, LABELS, model_type)
# Validate epochs
epochs = (
or NUM_EPOCHS <= 0 else int(NUM_EPOCHS)
# Build and compile model on data
model = build_and_compile_model(image_labels, model_type, IMG_SIZE + (3,))
# Save labels.txt file
save_labels(LABELS + [unknown_label], MODEL_DIR)
# Convert the model to tflite
model, MODEL_DIR, "classification_model"
Click to see the template with parsed labels
import argparse
import json
import os
import typing as ty
from tensorflow.keras import Model # Add proper import
import tensorflow as tf # Add proper import
labels_filename = "labels.txt"
unknown_label = "UNKNOWN"
API_KEY = os.environ['API_KEY']
API_KEY_ID = os.environ['API_KEY_ID']
# This parses the required args for the training script.
# The model_dir variable will contain the output directory where
# the ML model that this script creates should be stored.
# The data_json variable will contain the metadata for the dataset
# that you should use to train the model.
def parse_args():
"""Returns dataset file, model output directory, labels, and num_epochs
if present. These must be parsed as command line arguments and then used
as the model input and output, respectively. The number of epochs can be
used to optionally override the default.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--dataset_file", dest="data_json",
type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--model_output_directory", dest="model_dir",
type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--num_epochs", dest="num_epochs", type=int)
help="Space-separated list of labels, \
enclosed in single quotes (e.g., 'label1 label2').",
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.labels:
raise ValueError("Labels must be provided")
labels = [label.strip() for label in args.labels.strip("'").split()]
return args.data_json, args.model_dir, args.num_epochs, labels
# This is used for parsing the dataset file (produced and stored in Viam),
# parse it to get the label annotations
# Used for training classifiction models
def parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json(
filename: str, all_labels: ty.List[str], model_type: str
) -> ty.Tuple[ty.List[str], ty.List[str]]:
"""Load and parse JSON file to return image filenames and corresponding
labels. The JSON file contains lines, where each line has the key
"image_path" and "classification_annotations".
filename: JSONLines file containing filenames and labels
all_labels: list of all N_LABELS
model_type: string single_label or multi_label
image_filenames = []
image_labels = []
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
for line in f:
json_line = json.loads(line)
annotations = json_line["classification_annotations"]
labels = [unknown_label]
for annotation in annotations:
if model_type == multi_label:
if annotation["annotation_label"] in all_labels:
# For single label model, we want at most one label.
# If multiple valid labels are present, we arbitrarily select
# the last one.
if model_type == single_label:
if annotation["annotation_label"] in all_labels:
labels = [annotation["annotation_label"]]
return image_filenames, image_labels
# Parse the dataset file (produced and stored in Viam) to get
# bounding box annotations
# Used for training object detection models
def parse_filenames_and_bboxes_from_json(
filename: str,
all_labels: ty.List[str],
) -> ty.Tuple[ty.List[str], ty.List[str], ty.List[ty.List[float]]]:
"""Load and parse JSON file to return image filenames
and corresponding labels with bboxes.
filename: JSONLines file containing filenames and bboxes
all_labels: list of all N_LABELS
image_filenames = []
bbox_labels = []
bbox_coords = []
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
for line in f:
json_line = json.loads(line)
annotations = json_line["bounding_box_annotations"]
labels = []
coords = []
for annotation in annotations:
if annotation["annotation_label"] in all_labels:
# Store coordinates in rel_yxyx format so that
# we can use the keras_cv function
return image_filenames, bbox_labels, bbox_coords
# Build the model
def build_and_compile_model(
labels: ty.List[str], model_type: str, input_shape: ty.Tuple[int, int, int]
) -> Model:
"""Builds and compiles a model
labels: list of string lists, where each string list contains up to
N_LABEL labels associated with an image
model_type: string single_label or multi_label
input_shape: 3D shape of input
# TODO: Add logic to build and compile model
return model
def save_labels(labels: ty.List[str], model_dir: str) -> None:
"""Saves a label.txt of output labels to the specified model directory.
labels: list of string lists, where each string list contains up to
N_LABEL labels associated with an image
model_dir: output directory for model artifacts
filename = os.path.join(model_dir, labels_filename)
with open(filename, "w") as f:
for label in labels[:-1]:
f.write(label + "\n")
def save_model(
model: Model,
model_dir: str,
model_name: str,
) -> None:
"""Save model as a TFLite model.
model: trained model
model_dir: output directory for model artifacts
model_name: name of saved model
# Save the model to the output directory
file_type = "tflite" # Add proper file type
filename = os.path.join(model_dir, f"{model_name}.{file_type}")
# Example: Convert to TFLite
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
tflite_model = converter.convert()
# Save the model
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
IMG_SIZE = (256, 256)
# Read dataset file.
# The model type can be changed based on whether you want the model to
# output one label per image or multiple labels per image
model_type = multi_label
image_filenames, image_labels = parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json(
DATA_JSON, LABELS, model_type)
# Validate epochs
epochs = (
or NUM_EPOCHS <= 0 else int(NUM_EPOCHS)
# Build and compile model on data
model = build_and_compile_model(image_labels, model_type, IMG_SIZE + (3,))
# Save labels.txt file
save_labels(LABELS + [unknown_label], MODEL_DIR)
# Convert the model to tflite
model, MODEL_DIR, "classification_model"
When a training script is run, the Viam platform passes the dataset file for the training and the designated model output directory to the script.
The template contains functionality to parse the command line inputs and parse annotations from the dataset file.
Click for more information on parsing command line inputs.
The script you are creating must take the following command line inputs:
dataset_file: a file containing the data and metadata for the training job
model_output_directory: the location where the produced model artifacts are saved to
If you used the training script template that allows users to pass in labels, it will also take the following command line inputs:
labels: space separated list of labels, enclosed in single quotes
The parse_args() function in the template parses your arguments.
You can add additional custom command line inputs by adding them to the parse_args() function.
Click for more information on parsing annotations from dataset file.
When you submit a training job to the Viam Cloud, Viam will pass a dataset_file to the training script when you train an ML model with it.
The file contains metadata from the dataset used for the training, including the file path for each data point and any annotations associated with the data.
Dataset JSON files for image datasets with bounding box labels and classification labels are formatted as follows:
In your training script, you must parse the dataset file for the classification or bounding box annotations from the dataset metadata.
Depending on if you are training a classification or detection model, the template script contains the parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json() and the parse_filenames_and_bboxes_from_json() function.
If the script you are creating does not use an image dataset, you only need the model output directory.
6. Add logic to produce the model artifact
You must fill in the build_and_compile_model function.
In this part of the script, you use the data from the dataset and the annotations from the dataset file to build a Machine Learning model.
As an example, you can refer to the logic from model/ from this example classification training script that trains a classification model using TensorFlow and Keras.
7. Save the model artifact
The save_model() and the save_labels() functions in the template before the main logic save the model artifact your training job produces to the model_output_directory in the cloud.
Once a training job is complete, Viam checks the output directory and creates a package with all of the contents of the directory, creating or updating a registry item for the ML model.
You must fill in these functions.
As an example, you can refer to the logic from model/ from this example classification training script that trains a classification model using TensorFlow and Keras.
8. Update the main method
Update the main to call the functions you have just created.
9. Using Viam APIs in a training script
If you need to access any of the Viam APIs within a custom training script, you can use the environment variables API_KEY and API_KEY_ID to establish a connection.
These environment variables will be available to training scripts.
async def connect() -> ViamClient:
"""Returns a authenticated connection to the ViamClient for the requested
org associated with the submitted training job."""
# The API key and key ID can be accessed programmatically, using the
# environment variable API_KEY and API_KEY_ID. The user does not need to
# supply the API keys, they are provided automatically when the training
# job is submitted.
dial_options = DialOptions.with_api_key(
os.environ.get("API_KEY"), os.environ.get("API_KEY_ID")
return await ViamClient.create_from_dial_options(dial_options)
Test your training script locally
You can export one of your Viam datasets to test your training script locally.
1. Export your dataset
You can get the dataset ID from the dataset page or using the viam dataset list command:
viam dataset export --destination=<destination> --dataset-id=<dataset-id> --include-jsonl=true
The dataset will be formatted like the one Viam produces for the training.
Use the parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json and parse_filenames_and_bboxes_from_json functions to get the images and annotations from your dataset file.
2. Run your training script locally
Install any required dependencies and run your training script specifying the path to the dataset.jsonl file from your exported dataset:
To find your organization’s ID, run the following command:
viam organization list
After a successful upload, the CLI displays a confirmation message with a link to view your changes online.
You can view uploaded training scripts by navigating to the registry’s Training Scripts page.
Submit a training job
After uploading the training script, you can run it by submitting a training job through the Viam app or using the Viam CLI or ML Training client API.
In the Viam app, navigate to your list of DATASETS and select the one you want to train a model on.
Click Train model and select Train on a custom training script, then follow the prompts.
If you used the version of that allows users to pass in labels, your training job will fail with the error ERROR error: the following arguments are required: --labels.
To use labels, you must use the CLI.
This command submits a training job to the previously uploaded MyCustomTrainingScript with another input dataset, which trains MyRegistryModel and publishes that to the registry.
You can get the dataset id from the dataset page or using the viam dataset list command.
2. Check on training job process
You can view your training job on the DATA page’s TRAINING tab.
Once the model has finished training, it becomes visible on the DATA page’s MODELS tab.
You will receive an email when your training job completes.
You can also check your training jobs and their status from the CLI:
viam train list --org-id=<INSERT ORG ID> --job-status=unspecified
3. Debug your training job
From the DATA page’s TRAINING tab, click on your training job’s ID to see its logs.
Your training script may output logs at the error level but still succeed.
You can also view your training jobs’ logs with the viam train logs command.
To use your new model with machines, you must deploy it with the appropriate ML model service.
Then you can use another service, such as the vision service, to run inference.