Alert on data

You can use triggers to send email notifications or webhook requests when data from the machine is synced, even captured from a specific component with a specified condition. For example, you can configure a trigger to send you a notification when your robot’s sensor collects a new reading.

Follow this guide to learn how to configure a trigger to send webhook requests or emails for the following events:

  • Data has been synced to the cloud: trigger when data from the machine is synced
  • Conditional data ingestion: trigger any time data is captured from a specified component with a specified method and condition

Configure a trigger

To configure a trigger:

  1. Go to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine on the Viam app. Click the + (Create) button in the left side menu and select Trigger.

    The Create menu with Trigger at the bottom of the list of options.
  2. Name the trigger and click Create.

  3. Select trigger Type. Configure additional attributes:

Select the data types for which the trigger should send requests. Whenever data of the specified data types is ingested, a POST request will be sent.

Select the component you want to capture data from and the method you want to capture data from. Then, add any conditions.

These can include a key, a value, and a logical operator. For example, a trigger configured to fire when data is captured from the motor motor-1’s IsPowered method when is_on is equal to True:

Example conditional data ingestion trigger with a condition.

For more information, see Conditions.

  1. Add Webhooks or Emails.

Click Add Webhook. Add the URL of your cloud function or lambda. Configure the time between notifications.

The trigger configured with an example URL in the Viam app.

Click Add Email. Add the email you wish to be notified whenever this trigger is triggered. Configure the time between notifications.

The trigger configured with an example email in the Viam app.

To configure your trigger by using JSON mode instead of Builder mode, paste one of the following JSON templates into your JSON config. "triggers" is a top-level section, similar to "components" or "services".

  "triggers": [
      "name": "<trigger name>",
      "event": {
        "type": "part_data_ingested",
        "data_ingested": {
          "data_types": ["binary", "tabular", "file"]
      "notifications": [
          "type": "webhook",
          "value": "",
          "seconds_between_notifications": <number of seconds>
"triggers": [
      "name": "<trigger name>",
      "event": {
        "type": "conditional_data_ingested",
        "conditional": {
          "data_capture_method": "<component>:<name-of-component>:<method>",
          "condition": {
            "evals": [
                "operator": "<lt|gt|lte|gte|eq|neq>",
                "value": <object, string, or int>
      "notifications": [
          "type": "email",
          "value": "<fill-in-email-here>",
          "seconds_between_notifications": <number of seconds>
  "components": [
      "name": "local",
      "model": "pi",
      "type": "board",
      "namespace": "rdk",
      "attributes": {},
      "depends_on": []
      "name": "my_temp_sensor",
      "model": "bme280",
      "type": "sensor",
      "namespace": "rdk",
      "attributes": {},
      "depends_on": [],
      "service_configs": [
          "type": "data_manager",
          "attributes": {
            "capture_methods": [
                "method": "Readings",
                "additional_params": {},
                "capture_frequency_hz": 0.017
  "triggers": [
      "name": "trigger-1",
      "event": {
        "type": "part_data_ingested",
        "data_ingested": {
          "data_types": ["binary", "tabular", "file"]
      "notifications": [
          "type": "webhook",
          "value": "<>",
          "seconds_between_notifications": 0

The following attributes are available for triggers:

namestringRequiredThe name of the trigger
eventobjectRequiredThe trigger event object:
  • type: The type of the event to trigger on. Options: part_data_ingested, conditional_data_ingested.
  • data_types: Required with type part_data_ingested. The data types that trigger the event. Options: binary, tabular, file, unspecified.
  • conditional: Required with type conditional_data_ingested. See Conditions for more information.
notificationsobjectRequiredThe notifications object:
  • type: The type of the notification. Options: webhook, email
  • value: The URL to send the request to or the email address to notify.
  • seconds_between_notifications: The interval between notifications in seconds.


The conditional object for the conditional_data_ingested trigger includes the following options:

data_capture_methodstringRequiredThe method of data capture to trigger on.
Example: sensor:<name-of-component>:Readings.
conditionobjectOptionalAny additional conditions for the method to fire the trigger. Leave out this object for the trigger to fire any time there is data synced.
  • evals:
    • operator: Logical operator for the condition.
    • value: An object, string, or integer that specifies the value of the method of the condition, along with the key or nested keys of the measurements in data capture.

Options for operator:

ltLess than
gtGreater than
lteLess than or equal to
gteGreater than or equal to
neqDoes not equal


"condition": {
  "evals": [
      "operator": "lt",
      "value": {
        "Line-Neutral AC RMS Voltage": 130

This eval would trigger for the following sensor reading:

  "readings": {
    "Line-Neutral AC RMS Voltage": 100
"condition": {
  "evals": [
      "operator": "lt",
      "value": {
        "coordinate": {
          "latitude": 50

This eval would trigger for the following sensor reading:

  "readings": {
    "coordinate": {
      "latitude": 40
  1. If using a webhook, write your cloud function or lambda to process the request from viam-server. You can use your cloud function or lambda to interact with any external API such as, for example, Twilio, PagerDuty, or Zapier.


Example cloud function

If you are using a cloud function or lambda to process the request from viam-server, you can use this template.

The following example function prints the received headers:

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def trigger():
    headers = request.headers
    data = {}
        data = request.json
    payload = {
        "Org-Id": headers.get('org-id', 'no value'),
        "Organization-Name": headers.get('organization-name', '') or
        data.get('org_name', 'no value'),
        "Location-Id": headers.get('location-id', 'no value'),
        "Location-Name": headers.get('location-name', '') or
        data.get('location_name', 'no value'),
        "Part-Id": headers.get('part-id', 'no value'),
        "Part-Name": headers.get('part-name', 'no value'),
        "Robot-Id": headers.get('robot-id', 'no value'),
        "Machine-Name": headers.get('machine-name', '') or
        data.get('machine_name', 'no value'),
        "Component-Type": data.get('component_type', 'no value'),
        "Component-Name": data.get('component_name', 'no value'),
        "Method-Name": data.get('method_name', 'no value'),
        "Min-Time-Received": data.get('min_time_received', 'no value'),
        "Max-Time-Received": data.get('max_time_received', 'no value'),
        "Data-Type": data.get('data_type', 'no value'),
        "File-Id": data.get('file_id', 'no value'),
        "Trigger-Condition": data.get("trigger_condition", 'no value'),
        "Data": data.get('data', 'no value')

    return payload

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8080)
import functions_framework
import requests
import time

def hello_http(request):
    headers = request.headers
    data = {}
        data = request.json
    payload = {
        "Org-Id": headers.get("org-id", "no value"),
        "Organization-Name": headers.get("organization-name", "")
        or data.get("org_name", "no value"),
        "Location-Id": headers.get("location-id", "no value"),
        "Location-Name": headers.get("location-name", "")
        or data.get("location_name", "no value"),
        "Part-Id": headers.get("part-id", "no value"),
        "Part-Name": headers.get("part-name", "no value"),
        "Robot-Id": headers.get("robot-id", "no value"),
        "Machine-Name": headers.get("machine-name", "")
        or data.get("machine_name", "no value"),
        "Component-Type": data.get("component_type", "no value"),
        "Component-Name": data.get("component_name", "no value"),
        "Method-Name": data.get("method_name", "no value"),
        "Min-Time-Received": data.get("min_time_received", "no value"),
        "Max-Time-Received": data.get("max_time_received", "no value"),
        "Data-Type": data.get("data_type", "no value"),
        "File-Id": data.get('file_id', "no value"),
        "Trigger-Condition": data.get("trigger_condition", "no value"),
        "Data": data.get('data', "no value")

    return 'Received headers: {}'.format(payload)

Returned headers

When an event occurs, Viam sends a HTTP request to the URL you specified for the trigger:

Trigger typeHTTP Method

The request includes the following headers:

Header KeyDescriptionTrigger types
Org-IdThe ID of the organization that triggered the request.all
Organization-NameThe name of the organization that triggered the request.part_online, part_offline
Location-IdThe location of the machine that triggered the request.all
Location-NameThe location of the machine that triggered the request.part_online, part_offline
Part-IdThe part of the machine that triggered the request.all
Machine-NameThe name of the machine that triggered the request.part_online, part_offline
Robot-IdThe ID of the machine that triggered the request.all

Returned data

The request body includes the following data:

Data KeyDescriptionTrigger types
component_nameThe name of the component for which data was ingested.part_data_ingested, conditional_data_ingested
component_typeThe type of component for which data was ingested.part_data_ingested, conditional_data_ingested
method_nameThe name of the method from which data was ingested.part_data_ingested, conditional_data_ingested
min_time_receivedIndicates the earliest time a piece of data was received.part_data_ingested
max_time_receivedIndicates the latest time a piece of data was received.part_data_ingested
method_nameThe name of the method that triggered the request.conditional_data_ingested
machine_nameThe name of the machine that triggered the request.part_data_ingested, conditional_data_ingested
location_nameThe location of the machine that triggered the request.part_data_ingested, conditional_data_ingested
org_nameThe name of the organization that triggered the request.part_data_ingested, conditional_data_ingested
file_idThe id of the file that was ingested.part_data_ingested
trigger_conditionThe condition that triggered the request.conditional_data_ingested
dataThe ingested sensor data. Includes metadata with received_at and requested_at timestamps and data in the form map[string]any.part_data_ingested, conditional_data_ingested (sensor data)