Detect People with a Webcam

Follow this guide to detect people with a webcam on the Viam platform, using a pre trained ML model from the registry:

Positive person detection on the vision card.


  • A computer: a development machine such as your laptop and optionally a single-board computer such as the Raspberry Pi
  • A webcam: this could be the webcam on your laptop or any other webcam you can connect to your computer
  • An account on the Viam app

Follow these instructions to configure your machine and test detections:

Step 1: Create a new machine

Add a new machine in the Viam app by providing a name in the New machine field and clicking Add machine.

The ‘First Location’ page on the Viam app with a new machine name in the New machine field and the Add Machine button next to the field highlighted.

Click the name of a machine to go to that machine’s page, where you’ll find a variety of tools for working with your machine.

Step 2: Install viam-server
Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine’s page in the Viam app. Follow the setup instructions that appear on your new machine’s CONFIGURE page to install viam-server on your computer and connect it to the Viam app.
Step 3: Configure your webcam

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine’s page in the Viam app. Click the + icon next to your machine part in the left-hand menu and select Component. Select the camera type, then select the webcam model. Enter a name or use the suggested name for your camera and click Create.

Click the Save button in the top right corner of the page to save your configuration. Go to the CONTROL tab and expand the camera’s remote control card to test the camera stream. If you don’t see an image stream, you need to configure the video_path attribute.

For more detailed information, including optional attribute configuration, see the webcam docs.

Step 4: Deploy a person detection model

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine’s page in the Viam app. Click the + icon next to your machine part in the left-hand menu and select Service. Select the ML model type, then select the TFLite CPU model. Enter a name or use the suggested name for your service and click Create.

In the resulting ML model service configuration pane, ensure that Deploy model on machine is selected for the Deployment field.

Click on Select models to open a dropdown with all of the ML models available to you. Select the ml-models-scuttle:people model (the people model by ml-models-scuttle) to deploy an object detection TFLite model that has been trained to be able to detect a person.

Click the Save button in the top right corner of the page to save your configuration.

For more detailed information, including optional attribute configuration, see the tflite_cpu docs.

Step 5: Configure your detector

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine’s page in the Viam app. Click the + icon next to your machine part in the left-hand menu and select Service. Select the vision type, then select the ML model model. Enter a name or use the suggested name for your service and click Create.

Select the ML model service your person detector model is deployed on (which you created in step 4) from the ML Model dropdown. Then, click {} (Switch to advanced) in the top right corner of the configuration pane. Add the following JSON to the JSON configuration to set the default_minimum_confidence of the detector:

"default_minimum_confidence": 0.82

This optional attribute simplifies your detections output (which you’ll view in step 6) by filtering out detections below the threshold of 82% confidence. You can adjust this attribute as necessary.

Click the Save button in the top right corner of the page to save your configuration.

For more detailed information, including optional attribute configuration, see the mlmodel docs.

Step 6: Control person detection

Now, test your person detection with the computer vision service’s remote control card.

Navigate to the CONTROL tab in the Viam app. Click on the vision service’s card to expand it.

Click Refresh to refresh the image stream and see detections as labeled boxes on the images along with position, dimension, class and confidence data. Detections in class Person with a high confidence score show positive person detections, but the ML model can also detect other objects:

Positive person detection on the vision card with a lower default minimum confidence threshold.

You can view detections with a lower confidence score from the vision control card, like in the above screenshot, by lowering the "default_minimum_confidence" attribute.

Next steps

You can continue to test your mlmodel detector with existing images in the Viam app or existing images on a computer.

You can use one of Viam’s SDKs to write a script that captures detections and triggers an alarm when a person is detected, or even sends you photos of the person detected. See A Person Detection Security Robot That Sends You Photos for an example of this.

You can also use the Viam platform to train your own detector or classifier.

You can also explore our tutorials for more machine learning ideas: