Deploy and update packages across devices

Viam has a built-in tool called fragments for using the same configuration on multiple machines. You can use a fragment to deploy software packages to many machines, as well as to keep those software packages versioned.

Create a fragment

1. Configure your software

Start by adding a new machine in the Viam app. You do not need to follow the setup instructions.

Use the CONFIGURE tab to add the component or service you want to deploy across your machines.

Configuration builder UI

2. Copy the raw JSON

In your machine’s CONFIGURE tab, switch to JSON and copy the raw JSON.

Configuration builder UI

3. Create a fragment

Go to

Add a fragment, and paste the copied JSON configuration into it.

Configuration builder UI

Set your privacy settings. There are three options for this:

  • Public: Any user inside or outside of your organization will be able to view and use this fragment.
  • Private: No user outside of your organization will be able to view or use this fragment.
  • Unlisted: Any user inside or outside of your organization, with a direct link, will be able to view and use this fragment.

Click Save.

If you want to edit the fragment later, do it from this screen.


4. Delete the original machine configuration (optional)

Now that the configuration is saved as a fragment, you can delete the machine you created in step 1. We only created this machine to easily generate the JSON config for the fragment.

Add the fragment to multiple machines

With your fragment created, you can add it to as many machines as you’d like:

Add fragment

1. Add the fragment to one machine

On your machine’s CONFIGURE tab, click the + button and select Insert fragment. Search for your fragment and add it.

Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen.


2. Repeat for each machine

Repeat step 1 for each of the machines that you want to add and manage the package for.

Testing Strategies

If you inspect the fragment you have created, you will notice it contains a version field.

As you develop new versions of your software, your machines will continue to use the version of the software that you have configured in the fragment.

We generally recommend that you test updates on a subset of machines before deploying it to all machines.

You can either create a second fragment that you add to a subset of machines, or manually overwrite the version of the package for a subset of machines:

1. Create a fragment for development

Copy the JSON object from your primary fragment and create a second fragment. We recommend you call your second fragment something easily identifiable as your testing environment, such as FragmentName-DEV.

Paste the JSON object from your primary fragment.

2. Edit the fragment

Change the version of your package in the development fragment. For example:

  "services": [
      "name": "speech-1",
      "namespace": "viam-labs",
      "type": "speech",
      "model": "viam-labs:speech:speechio",
      "attributes": {}
  "modules": [
      "type": "registry",
      "name": "viam-labs_speech",
      "module_id": "viam-labs:speech",
      "version": "0.5.3"

3. Add the development fragment to a subset of machines

Configure a subset of your machines with the development fragment. If you had configured them already with the primary fragment, remove that fragment first.

4. Test the new version

Test the new version of your package. When you are satisfied that your package works as expected, continue to update your primary fragment.

1. Change the version of the module

You can overwrite parts of a fragment to use a new version of a package without modifying the upstream fragment.

For each machine that you would like to test the new version of the package on, go to its CONFIGURE tab, find the package, and edit its version number.

Configuration builder UI

Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen.

2. Test the new version

Test the new version of your package. When you are satisfied that your package works as expected, continue to update your primary fragment.

Update a package version

Once you have confirmed that the new version of your package works, go to your primary fragment and edit it to use the new version of your package.

For example:

  "services": [
      "name": "speech-1",
      "namespace": "viam-labs",
      "type": "speech",
      "model": "viam-labs:speech:speechio",
      "attributes": {}
  "modules": [
      "type": "registry",
      "name": "viam-labs_speech",
      "module_id": "viam-labs:speech",
      "version": "0.5.3"

Don’t forget to Save.

All machines configured with your fragment will update when they next check for configuration updates.

To check when your machines have last updated their configuration, iterate over your machines using the Fleet Management API, connect to each machine, and use the GetMachineStatus method.

The following example script iterates over all machines in a given location and if it can connect to the machines, it prints their status information. If it cannot connect to a machine, it prints the most recent log entries.

import asyncio

from viam.rpc.dial import DialOptions
from import ViamClient
from viam.robot.client import RobotClient

# Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your API key and "<API-KEY-ID>"
# with your API key ID

async def connect() -> ViamClient:
    dial_options = DialOptions.with_api_key(API_KEY, API_KEY_ID)
    return await ViamClient.create_from_dial_options(dial_options)

async def machine_connect(address):
    opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key(
    return await RobotClient.at_address(address, opts)

async def main():
    viam_client = await connect()
    cloud = viam_client.app_client

    machines = await cloud.list_robots(location_id=LOCATION_ID)
    print("Found {} machines.".format(len(machines)))

    for m in machines:
        machine_parts = await cloud.get_robot_parts(
        main_part = None
        for p in machine_parts:
            if p.main_part:
                main_part = p

        print("Attempting to connect to {}...".format(main_part.fqdn))

            machine = await machine_connect(main_part.fqdn)
            status = await machine.get_machine_status()

        except ConnectionError:
            print("Unable to establish a connection to the machine.")
            logs = await cloud.get_robot_part_logs(
            if not logs:
                print("No logs available.")
                print("Most recent 5 log entries:")
            for log in logs:
                print("{}-{} {}: {}".format(
                    log.logger_name, log.level, log.time, log.message))
                if log.stack:


if __name__ == '__main__':

Next steps

If you are setting up a larger fleet, you can use fragments to configure many machines and you can use Viam’s provisioning manager, Viam Agent, to automate the process of setting up machines with your fragments:

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If you notice any issues with the documentation, feel free to file an issue or edit this file.