Manage Access with Role-Based Access Control

To collaborate with others on your machines, you can grant users permissions for individual machines or entire locations. You can use the Viam app or the Viam mobile app to grant or revoke organization owner or operator access to users or API keys.

Grant access

Share resources with users

1. Navigate to the organization settings page

You must have the Owner role to be able to grant permissions.

In the Viam app, click on the organization dropdown in the top navigation bar and click on Settings.

2. Grant access

In the Members section of the organization settings page you can click on Grant access to invite new users to an organization or a location to share access to the machines within it.

The user invitation menu on the Organization settings page.

3. Select a resource and role

Then select the resource that you would like to grant the user access to and the designated role (owner or operator). Users with owner access to a location or organization, can collaborate on the machines within it.

You can grant a user access to the following resources:

  • an organization
  • a location
  • a machine
Limit user access

Click invite.

Share a location with an organization

Share your location with another organization you belong to by selecting the organization from the Add Organization dropdown menu and clicking Share.

To share your location with an organization you are not a member of, select the location or enter the organization ID (a string like 1ab2c3d1-1234-123a-abcd-abcdef123456) and click Share. Members of the org can find the org ID on their org settings page.

Limit access

Limit access for users

1. Navigate to the organization settings page

You must have the Owner role to be able to grant permissions.

In the Viam app, click on the organization dropdown in the top navigation bar and click on Settings.

2. Limit access

In the Members section of the organization settings page, click on the user to open the access settings for the user.

Then either change the role of the user from owner to operator with the dropdown or click on Limit access and change the resource the user has access.

You can also remove the user by clicking on Remove user.

The user invitation menu on the Organization settings page.

Remove an organization from a shared location

You can remove any organization except the primary owner from the shared list by clicking the X to the right of the location in the shared list.

Collaborate safely

When you or your collaborators change the configuration of a machine or a group of machines in the Viam app, viam-server automatically synchronizes the configuration and updates the running resources within 15 seconds. This means everyone who has access can change a fleet’s configuration, even while your machines are running.

You can see configuration changes made by yourself or by your collaborators by selecting History on the right side of your machine part’s card on the CONFIGURE tab. You can also revert to an earlier configuration from the History tab.

Machine configuration and machine code is intentionally kept separate, allowing you to keep track of versioning and debug issues separately.