You can use Viam to manage your user authentication. This guide will show you how to create a branded login screen.
1. Add your logo
Add a logo to be displayed on the login screen for your organization. Your logo can be up to 200KB in size and must be in PNG format.
viam organization logo set --logo-path=logo.png --org-id=<org-id>
Successfully set the logo for organization <org-id> to logo at file-path: logo.png
You must have owner permissions on the organization.
2. Add support email
This is the email that will be shown when Viam sends emails to users on your behalf for email verification, password recovery, and other account related emails.
viam organization support-email set --org-id=<org-id>
Successfully set support email for organization "<org-id>" to ""
1. Enable authentication
Enable the authentication service for your organization:
viam organization auth-service enable --org-id=<org-id>
enabled auth service for organization "<org-id>":
2. Create OAuth app
Create your OAuth application for your organization:
viam organization auth-service oauth-app create --client-authentication=required \
--client-name="OAuth Test App" --enabled-grants="password, authorization_code" \
--logout-uri="" --origin-uris=",http://localhost:3000" \
--pkce=not_required --redirect-uris=",http://localhost:3000/oauth-redirect" \
--url-validation=allow_wildcards --org-id=<org-id>
Successfully created OAuth app OAuth Test App with client ID <client-id> and client secret <secret-token>
3. See OAuth app
viam organization auth-service oauth-app list --org-id=<org-id>
OAuth apps for organization "<org-id>":
- <client-id>
viam organization auth-service oauth-app read --org-id=<org-id> --client-id=<client-id>
OAuth config for client ID <client-id>:
Client Authentication: required
PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange): not_required
URL Validation Policy: allow_wildcards
Logout URL:
Redirect URLs:, http://localhost:3000/oauth-redirect
Origin URLs:, http://localhost:3000
Enabled Grants: authorization_code, password
You can update any value after setup using viam organization auth-service oauth-app update
Your authentication is built on top of FusionAuth. To continue, use the generated client secret and client ID with the Fusion Auth SDKs.
For a quick example, see Get started with FusionAuth in 5 minutes.
When using the client ID and client secret, the base URL for your OAuth application is
If you need further customization, please contact us.
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