White-labelled Billing

You can use Viam to bill your customers using your own logo. This guide will show you how to set up white-labelled billing. Once set up:

  • You will have a branded billing dashboard for each org
  • Invoices will be sent from your provided support email address and will contain your provided logo
  • You can set custom pricing
Example billing dashboard


1. Set organization public namespace

In the Viam app, navigate to your organization settings through the menu in upper right corner of the page. Create a Public namespace.

2. Add your logo

Add a logo to be displayed on the login screen for your organization. Your logo can be up to 200KB in size and must be in PNG format.

viam organization logo set --logo-path=logo.png --org-id=<org-id>
Successfully set the logo for organization <org-id> to logo at file-path: logo.png

You must have owner permissions on the organization.

3. Add support email

This is the email that will be shown when Viam sends emails to users on your behalf for email verification, password recovery, and other account related emails.

viam organization support-email set --support-email=support@logoipsum.com --org-id=<org-id>
Successfully set support email for organization "<org-id>" to "support@logoipsum.com"

Set up custom billing

1. Enable billing service

Enable the billing service for your organization:

viam organizations billing-service enable --org-id=<org-id> --address="100 Center Street, New York, NY, 10001"
Successfully enabled billing service for organization "<org-id>"

2. Get billing dashboard URL

Run the following command to check your billing configuration:

viam organizations billing-service get-config --org-id="<org-id> "
Billing config for organization: <org-id>
Support Email: npentrel@gmail.com
Billing Dashboard URL: https://app.viam.com/billing/logoipsum
Logo URL: https://storage.googleapis.com/viam-self-service-<org-id>/primary_logo.png

 --- Billing Address ---
Address Line 1: 123 Test Street
City: New York
State: Ny
Postal Code: 10001
Country: USA

You can update any value after setup using viam organizations billing-service update.

3. Check the billing dashboard

In the information returned in the previous step, get the billing dashboard URL. It will be of the form https://app.viam.com/billing/<public-namespace>.

To see the billing dashboard for a specific organization, navigate to:

Example billing dashboard

Set custom pricing

You can set custom pricing for machines within your organization.

1. Add billing configuration to the fragment for your machines

On the FLEET page, go to the FRAGMENTS tab and select the fragment you use for your machines. If you are not using a fragment, you can instead add the billing configuration to individual machine configurations.

In the JSON configuration, add the billing object, adjust attributes as needed and save.

  "components": { ... },
  "services" : { ... },
  "billing": {
    "cost_per_month": {
      "per_machine": 10
    "tier_name": "not-free"
  "billing": {
    "cost_per_month": {
      "per_machine": 0,
      "binary_data_upload_bytes": 0.0,
      "binary_data_egress_bytes": 0.0,
      "binary_data_cloud_storage_bytes": 0.0,
      "tabular_data_upload_bytes": 0.0,
      "tabular_data_egress_bytes": 0.0,
      "tabular_data_cloud_storage_bytes": 0.0,
      "history_cloud_storage_bytes": 0.0,
      "logs_cloud_storage_bytes": 0.0,
      "logs_data_upload_bytes": 0.0,
      "logs_data_egress_bytes": 0.0
    "tier_name": "example-tier",
    "description": "",
    "tier_credit": 0.0
Click to view billing attributes
cost_per_monthobjectOptionalSee cost per month attributes. Default: {} (all machines cost 0).
tier_namestringRequiredThe name of the billing tier.
descriptionOptionalDescription for the billing tier. Default: "".
tier_creditnumberOptionalCredit that should be applied to final total for the org. Default: 0.
Click to view cost per month attributes
per_machinenumberOptionalCharge a flat fee per machine. Default: 0.
binary_data_upload_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte for binary data upload. Default: 0.
binary_data_egress_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte for binary data download. Default: 0.
binary_data_cloud_storage_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte per month for binary data stored. Default: 0.
tabular_data_upload_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte per month for tabular data upload. Default: 0.
tabular_data_egress_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte per month for tabular data egress. Default: 0.
tabular_data_cloud_storage_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte per month for tabular data cloud storage. Default: 0.
history_cloud_storage_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte per month for config history stored. Default: 0.
logs_cloud_storage_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte per month for logs cloud storage. Default: 0.
logs_data_upload_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte per month for logs data upload. Default: 0.
logs_data_egress_bytesfloatOptionalCost per byte per month for logs data egress. Default: 0.