Account Management

The Viam app is a web UI for managing and building machines. To use the app, you need a free account. Accounts can have different permissions to different groups of machines.

Create account and log in

To get started on the Viam app, you must log in as an authorized user. Viam supports sign-up using Google, GitHub, Apple, and email.

Navigate to the main page. If you haven’t created an account yet, click Sign Up to create a new account using your preferred single sign-on method or your email address and a password. If you already have an account, click Log In to log in using your single sign-on credentials or your email address and password.

If you forget your password to the app, click Forgot password and enter your email address to obtain instructions to reset your password.

Once you have logged in, get started by creating a machine.

Sign out

To log out of the Viam app, click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of your browser window. Click Sign out to sign out of accessing all organizations, locations, and machines your credentials manage.

Delete account

To delete your account, you can contact Viam Support at

Some important things to note:

  • Account termination may result in the destruction of any associated content
  • If you delete your machine, location, organization, or account by mistake, contact immediately - they will try to help but cannot guarantee recovery or restoration.