
The viam-agent is a self-updating service manager that maintains the lifecycle for itself and viam-server.

Among other things, viam-agent:

  • Installs, runs, and monitors viam-server or a custom build of viam-server.
  • Provides tooling for device provisioning and network management.
  • Provides automatic updates for viam-server and the agent itself.
  • Allows control of deployed software versions through the Viam app.
  • Provides various operating system settings.

To provision machines using viam-agent, see Provision Machines.


  1. Add a new machine in the Viam app.

  2. Navigate to the machine’s CONFIGURE tab.

  3. Click View setup instructions on the alert to Set up your machine part:

    Machine setup alert in a newly created machine
  4. Follow the instructions to install viam server with viam-agent.

    You can use viam-agent either with an existing machine’s part ID and API key, or with an existing machine credentials configuration file at /etc/viam.json.

    The command will be of the following form:

    sudo /bin/sh -c "VIAM_API_KEY_ID=<KEYID> VIAM_API_KEY=<KEY> VIAM_PART_ID=<PARTID>; $(curl -fsSL"

    On Linux, viam-agent will install itself as a systemd service named viam-agent. For information on managing the service, see Manage viam-agent.


  1. Navigate to your machine’s page in the Viam app.
  2. Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab.
  3. Click the + icon next to your machine part in the left-hand menu and select Agent.
  4. Edit and fill in the attributes as applicable.
  "agent": {
    "version_control": {
      "agent": "stable",
      "viam-server": "0.52.1"
    "advanced_settings": {
      "debug": false,
      "wait_for_update_check": false,
      "viam_server_start_timeout_minutes": 10,
      "disable_viam_server": false,
      "disable_network_configuration": false,
      "disable_system_configuration": false
    "network_configuration": {
      "manufacturer": "viam",
      "model": "custom",
      "fragment_id": "",
      "hotspot_prefix": "viam-setup",
      "hotspot_password": "viamsetup",
      "disable_captive_portal_redirect": false,
      "offline_before_starting_hotspot_minutes": 2,
      "user_idle_minutes": 5,
      "retry_connection_timeout_minutes": 10,
      "turn_on_hotspot_if_wifi_has_no_internet": false,
      "wifi_power_save": null
    "additional_networks": {
        "type": "wifi",
        "interface": "",
        "ssid": "fallbackNetOne",
        "psk": "myFirstPassword",
        "priority": 30,
        "ipv4_address": "",
        "ipv4_gateway": "",
        "ipv4_dns": [],
        "ipv4_route_metric": 0
        "type": "wifi",
        "interface": "",
        "ssid": "fallbackNetTwo",
        "psk": "mySecondPassword",
        "priority": 10,
        "ipv4_address": "",
        "ipv4_gateway": "",
        "ipv4_dns": [],
        "ipv4_route_metric": 0
    "system_configuration": {
      "logging_journald_system_max_use_megabytes": 128,
      "logging_journald_runtime_max_use_megabytes": 96,
      "os_auto_upgrade_type": "all"

version_control: Version management for viam-agent and viam-server

By default, when a new version of viam-server becomes available, it will automatically download. When viam-agent next restarts, it installs and starts using the new version of viam-server. To ensure that updates only occur when your machines are ready, configure a maintenance window. With a configured maintenance window, viam-agent will restart and upgrade viam-server only when maintenance is allowed and when viam-server is not currently processing config changes.

agentstringtrueThe version of Viam agent specified as "5.6.77", "stable" or by providing a URL such as "" or "file://home/myuser/viam-agent-test-aarch64". Viam agent is semantically versioned and is tested before release. Releases happen infrequently. When set to "stable", viam-agent will automatically upgrade when a new version is released. Default: "stable".
viam-serverstringtrueThe version of viam-server specified as "5.6.77", "stable" or by providing a URL such as "" or "file://home/myuser/viam-server-test-aarch64". viam-server is semantically versioned and is tested before release. When set to "stable", viam-server will automatically upgrade when a new stable version is released. Default: "stable".

For more information on managing viam-agent see Manage viam-agent.


debugbooleanfalseSets the log level to debug for any logging from the Viam agent binary. Default: false.
disable_network_configurationbooleanfalseDisables the network and hotspot configuration, as well as the configuration of additional networks. Default: false.
disable_system_configurationbooleanfalseDisables the system configuration. Default: false.
disable_viam_serverbooleanfalseDisable viam-server remotely. This option is often used by developers working on Viam agent or when manually running viam-server. Default: false.
viam_server_start_timeout_minutesintegerfalseSpecify a time after which, if viam-server hasn’t successfully started, Viam agent will kill it and restart. Default: 10.
wait_for_update_checkbooleanfalseIf set to true, viam-agent will wait for a network connection and check for updates before starting viam-server. See Reduce startup time. Default: false.

Reduce startup time

You can set wait_for_update_check to false to bypass viam-agent waiting for a network connection to be established and checking for updates during initial startup. This will result in viam-server executing as quickly as possible.

This is useful if you have a device that often starts when offline or on a slow connection, and if having the latest version immediately after start isn’t required.

You can also start viam-agent in fast start mode by setting VIAM_AGENT_FAST_START=1 in your environment.


device_reboot_after_offline_minutesintegerfalseIf set, viam-agent will reboot the device after it has been offline for the specified duration. Default: 0 (disabled).
disable_captive_portal_redirectbooleanfalseBy default, ALL DNS lookups using the provisioning hotspot will redirect to the device. This causes most phones/mobile devices to automatically redirect the user to the captive portal as a “sign in” screen. When disabled, only domains ending in .setup (ex: viam.setup) will be redirected. This generally avoids displaying the portal to users and is mainly used in conjunction with a mobile provisioning application workflow. Default: false.
fragment_idstringfalseThe fragment_id of the fragment to configure machines with. Required when using the Viam mobile app for provisioning. The Viam mobile app uses the fragment to configure the machine.
hotspot_interfacestringfalseThe interface to use for hotspot/provisioning/wifi management. Default: first discovered 802.11 device.
hotspot_passwordstringfalseThe Wifi password for the provisioning hotspot. Default: "viamsetup".
hotspot_prefixstringfalseviam-agent will prepend this to the hostname of the device and use the resulting string for the provisioning hotspot SSID. Default: "viam-setup".
manufacturerstringfalsePurely informative. May be displayed on captive portal or provisioning app. Default: "viam".
modelstringfalsePurely informative. May be displayed on captive portal or provisioning app. Default: "custom".
offline_before_starting_hotspot_minutesintegerfalseWill only enter provisioning mode (hotspot) after being disconnected longer than this time. Useful on flaky connections, or when part of a system where the device may start quickly, but the WiFi/router may take longer to be available. Default: 2 (2 minutes).
retry_connection_timeout_minutesintegerOptionalProvisioning mode will exit after this time, to allow other unmanaged (for example wired) or manually configured connections to be tried. Provisioning mode will restart if the connection/online status doesn’t change. Default: 10 (10 minutes).
turn_on_hotspot_if_wifi_has_no_internetbooleanfalseBy default, the device will only attempt to connect to a single WiFi network (the one with the highest priority), provided during initial provisioning/setup using the provisioning mobile app or captive web portal. WiFi connection alone is enough to consider the device as “online” even if the global internet is not reachable. If the primary network configured during provisioning cannot be connected to and turn_on_hotspot_if_wifi_has_no_internet is enabled, the device will attempt connections to all configured networks in networks, and only consider the device online if the internet is reachable. Default: false.
user_idle_minutesintegerfalseAmount of time before considering a user (using the captive web portal or provisioning app) idle, and resuming normal behavior. Used to avoid interrupting provisioning mode (for example for network tests/retries) when a user might be busy entering details. Default: 5 (5 minutes).
wifi_power_savebooleanfalseIf set, will explicitly enable or disable power save for all WiFi connections managed by NetworkManager. If not set, the system default applies. Default: false.

For more detailed instructions on what these settings do, see Provisioning.


For an already-online device, you can configure new WiFi or wired networks in the machine’s viam-agent configuration in the Viam app. It’s primarily useful for a machine that moves between different networks, so the machine can automatically connect when moved between locations.

interfacestringoptionalName of interface, for example: "wlan0", "eth0", "enp14s0". Default: "".
ipv4_addressstringoptionalIPv4 address in CIDR format, for example: "". Default: "auto".
ipv4_dnsstringoptionalArray of IPv4 DNS such as ["", ""]. Default: [].
ipv4_gatewaystringoptionalIPv4 gateway. Default: "".
ipv4_route_metricintegeroptionalIPv4 route metric. Lower values are preferred. Default: 0 which defaults to 100 for wired networks and 600 for wireless network.
priorityintegeroptionalPriority to choose the network with. Values between -999 and 999 with higher values taking precedence. Default: 0.
pskstringoptionalThe network passkey. Default: "".
ssidstringoptionalThe WiFi network’s SSID. Only needed for WiFi networks. Default: "".
typestringoptionalThe type of the network. Required if a network is provided. Options: "wifi", "wired".

To add additional networks add them using the JSON editor for your device’s config in the Viam app.

If turn_on_hotspot_if_wifi_has_no_internet is enabled, agent-provisioning will try to connect to each specified network in order of priority from highest to lowest. If the highest-priority network is not available or the machine can connect but internet is not available, viam-agent will then attempt to connect to the next-highest network, and so on until all configured networks have been tried.


logging_journald_runtime_max_use_megabytesintegeroptionalSet the temporary space limit for logs. -1 to disable. Default: 512 (512 MB).
logging_journald_system_max_use_megabytesintegeroptionalSets the maximum disk space journald will use for persistent log storage. -1 to disable. Default: 512 (512 MB).
os_auto_upgrade_typebooleanoptionalManage OS package updates using Viam by setting this field. Installs the unattended-upgrades package, and replace 20auto-upgrades and 50unattended-upgrades in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/, with an automatically generated Origins-Pattern list that is generated based on that of 50unattended-upgrades. Custom repos installed on the system at the time the setting is enabled will be included. Options: "all" (automatic upgrades are performed for all packages), "security" (automatic upgrades for only packages containing "security" in their codename (for example bookworm-security)), "disable" (disable automatic upgrades), "" (do not change system settings). Default: "".

For more detailed instructions, see Configure machine settings.

Agent logs

viam-agent writes log messages to the Viam app. You can find these messages on the LOGS tab of your machine’s page.

viam-agent only sends messages when your machine is online and connected to the internet. If your machine is offline, log messages are queued and are sent to the Viam app once your machine reconnects to the internet.

These log messages include when viam-server is stopped and started, the status of viam-agent, and any errors or warnings encountered during operation.