Deploy software packages to machines (OTA)

Viam has a built-in tool called fragments for using the same configuration on multiple machines. You can use a fragment to deploy software packages and ML models to many machines, as well as to update deployed versions of those software packages and ML models.

For example, you can configure a fragment with one resource, like a speech detection service. Add the fragment to all machines that need the speech detection service. As you improve the speech detection service, you can specify the version to deploy and all machines will reconfigure themselves to use the version specified in the update.

Create a fragment

1. Configure your software

Start by adding a new machine in the Viam app. You do not need to follow the setup instructions.

Use the CONFIGURE tab to add the resource you want to deploy to your machines.

Configuration builder UI

2. Copy the raw JSON

In your machine’s CONFIGURE tab, switch to JSON and copy the raw JSON.

Configuration builder UI

3. Create a fragment

Go to

Add a fragment, and paste the copied JSON configuration into it.

Configuration builder UI

Set your privacy settings. There are three options for this:

  • Public: Any user inside or outside of your organization will be able to view and use this fragment.
  • Private: No user outside of your organization will be able to view or use this fragment.
  • Unlisted: Any user inside or outside of your organization, with a direct link, will be able to view and use this fragment.

Click Save.

If you want to edit the fragment later, do it from this screen.


4. Delete the original machine configuration (optional)

Now that the configuration is saved as a fragment, you can delete the machine you created in step 1. We only created this machine to easily generate the JSON config for the fragment.

Add the fragment to multiple machines

With your fragment created, add it to all machines that need it:

Add fragment

1. Add the fragment to one machine

On your machine’s CONFIGURE tab, click the + button and select Insert fragment. Search for your fragment and add it.

Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen.


2. Repeat for each machine

Repeat step 1 for each of the machines that you want to add and manage the package for.