Define static obstacles to avoid

To prevent your machine from colliding with objects or surfaces in its environment, you can define obstacles and include them in calls to the motion service API. The motion service will take into account the obstacles as well as the geometry of the machine itself when planning motion.

Start by defining your machine’s geometry so that you can define the obstacles with respect to the machine’s reference frame.

Next, define one or more obstacles. Here is a Python example from the Add constraints and transforms to a motion plan guide:

box_origin = Pose(x=400, y=0, z=50+z_offset)
box_dims = Vector3(x=120.0, y=80.0, z=100.0)
box_object = Geometry(center=box_origin,

obstacles_in_frame = GeometriesInFrame(reference_frame="world",
                                       geometries=[table_object, box_object])

Finally, pass your obstacles to the motion planning API. See the API documentation for the following methods which can take into account obstacles:

Tutorials and example usage