Configure a Webcam

webcam is the general camera model. If the camera drivers are among those in this mediadevices repository, the camera will work with the webcam model.

First, connect your camera to your machine’s computer (unless it is built-in like a webcam on a laptop) and power both on. Then, configure your camera:

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine’s page in the Viam app. Click the + icon next to your machine part in the left-hand menu and select Component. Select the camera type, then select the webcam model. Enter a name or use the suggested name for your camera and click Create.

Configuration of a webcam camera in the Viam app config builder.

Edit and fill in the attributes as applicable. Leave the video_path blank and the camera will use the default video path for your machine. If this doesn’t work when you test your camera later, you can try a different video path by following the prompt in the Viam app to add a webcam discovery service and identify path options.

  "name": "<your-camera-name>",
  "model": "webcam",
  "api": "rdk:component:camera",
  "attributes": {
    "intrinsic_parameters": {
      "width_px": <int>,
      "height_px": <int>,
      "fx": <float>,
      "fy": <float>,
      "ppx": <float>,
      "ppy": <float>
    "distortion_parameters": {
      "rk1": <float>,
      "rk2": <float>,
      "rk3": <float>,
      "tp1": <float>,
      "tp2": <float>
    "format": <string>,
    "video_path": "<your-video-path>",
    "width_px": <int>,
    "height_px": <int>,
    "frame_rate": <float>
  "name": "my_cam",
  "model": "webcam",
  "api": "rdk:component:camera",
  "attributes": {
    "video_path": "video0"

The following attributes are available for webcam cameras:

video_pathstringOptionalThe ID of or the path to the webcam. If you don’t provide a video_path, it defaults to the first valid video path it finds. Using the ID of a webcam is more consistent than the path. See Using video_path.
formatstringOptionalThe camera image format, used with video_path to find the camera. See Using format.
width_pxintOptionalThe camera image width in pixels, used with video_path to find a camera with this resolution. Negative values are silently ignored and result in the default being used.
Default: Closest possible value to 480
height_pxintOptionalThe camera image height in pixels, used with video_path to find a camera with this resolution. Negative values are silently ignored and result in the default being used.
Default: Closest possible value to 640
frame_ratefloatOptionalThe camera capture frequency as frames per second, used with video_path to find a camera with this throughput.
Default: Closest possible value to 30.0
intrinsic_parametersobjectOptionalThe intrinsic parameters of the camera used to do 2D <-> 3D projections:
  • width_px: The expected width of the aligned image in pixels.
  • height_px: The expected height of the aligned image in pixels.
  • fx: The image center x point.
  • fy: The image center y point.
  • ppx: The image focal x.
  • ppy: The image focal y.
distortion_parametersobjectOptionalModified Brown-Conrady parameters used to correct for distortions caused by the shape of the camera lens:
  • rk1: The radial distortion x.
  • rk2: The radial distortion y.
  • rk3: The radial distortion z.
  • tp1: The tangential distortion x.
  • tp2: The tangential distortion y.

Using video_path

To list available video_paths use the following command:

ls /dev/v4l/by-id/

To find the paths of all connected video devices, run the following command:

v4l2-ctl --list-devices

The id listed by ls /dev/v4l/by-id/ is a more consistent way to refer to the webcam.

system_profiler SPCameraDataType

The Unique ID displayed for each camera is the video_path.

Using format

Viam supports the following pixel formats:

  • I420
  • I444
  • NV12
  • NV21
  • RGBA
  • UYVY / Y422
  • YUY2 / YUYV / V422
  • Z16

If your machine is connected to the Viam app, the available pixel formats supported by your camera automatically appear in the Format dropdown menu, which is visible when you click the Show more button.

On Linux, you can also manually determine which pixel formats your camera supports by running the following command on the machine your camera is connected to. Replace /dev/video0 with the video path you determined for your video device above, if different:

v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext --device /dev/video0

View the camera stream

Once your camera is configured and connected, expand the TEST panel on the CONFIGURE or CONTROL tabs. If everything is configured correctly, you will see the live feed from your camera.

Example Camera view inside Viam app


If your camera is not working as expected, follow these steps:

  1. Check your machine logs on the LOGS tab to check for errors.
  2. Review this camera model’s documentation to ensure you have configured all required attributes.
  3. Click on the TEST panel on the CONFIGURE or CONTROL tab and test if you can use the camera there.

If none of these steps work, reach out to us on the Community Discord and we will be happy to help.

Common errors

Failed to find the best driver that fits the constraints

When working with a camera component, depending on the camera, you may need to explicitly provide some camera-specific configuration parameters.

Solution: Check the specifications for your camera, and manually provide configuration parameters such as width and height to the camera component configuration page on the Viam app. On the CONFIGURE page, find your camera, then fill in your camera’s specific configuration either using the Show more button to show the relevant configuration options, or the {} (Switch to Advanced) button in the top right of the component panel to enter these attributes manually. Provide at least the width and height values to start.

Cannot open webcam or found no webcams

When working with a camera component on the Linux platform, your Linux OS must be able to access the camera properly, and the camera must be configured to use a pixel format that Viam supports.

On your Linux system, verify each of the following:

  • Ensure that your Linux OS is able to access your camera:

    1. Run the following command to list compatible camera devices on your system:

      v4l2-ctl --list-devices

      In the list of camera devices returned, find the entry for your camera. For example, the webcam on a rover may appear as follows:

      GENERAL WEBCAM: GENERAL WEBCAM (usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4):

      The video path for your camera device is the first path listed under that camera, in this case /dev/video0.

    2. Then, stop viam-server, and verify that your Linux OS is able to access that video device properly:

      v4l2-ctl --stream-count 1 --device /dev/video0

      Replace /dev/video0 in the above command with the video path you determined for your video device above, if different.

      The command returns successfully (with no output) if Linux is able to successfully communicate with the camera, or errors with Cannot open device if there was a problem communicating. If this command errors, you should consult the documentation for your camera and Linux distribution to troubleshoot. If you receive the error Device or resource busy instead, be sure you have stopped viam-server first, then re-run the command above.

  • Ensure that your camera uses a supported pixel format:

    1. First, determine your video path, like /dev/video0, following the instructions above.

    2. Then, run the following command:

      v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext --device /dev/video0

      Replace /dev/video0 in the above command with the video path you determined for your video device above, if different.

      The command will return a list of pixel formats your camera supports, such as MJPG (also notated as MJPEG) or YUYV (also notated as YUY2). In order to use a camera device with Viam, it must support at least one of the pixel formats supported by Viam. If your camera does not support any of these formats, it cannot be used with Viam.

If you are still having issues with your camera component on the Linux platform, and would like to file an issue, include your machine’s camera debug file contained in the /root/.viam/debug/components/camera directory. If you are running viam-server as a different user, find the .viam/debug/components/camera directory in that user’s home directory instead. This file contains basic diagnostic and configuration information about your camera that helps to quickly troubleshoot issues.

No visible live video feed

If you’re working on a Linux machine, ssh into it, then restart viam-server by running:

sudo systemctl restart viam-server

If this doesn’t work, you can reboot your machine by running:

sudo reboot
Images are dim on start up
If you are capturing camera data, it can happen that the camera captures and syncs miscolored or dark images upon start up.
CSI Camera not working on a Raspberry Pi
If you are using a CSI camera v1.3 or v2.0 on a Raspberry Pi, you need to enable legacy mode. If you are using a CSI camera v3.0, you need to use the viam:camera:csi module instead. For Raspberry Pi AI cameras like the IMX500 AI camera, you can use a module such as this viam-pi-ai-camera vision service. Note that this module is not officially supported by Viam. For more information about the vision service, see run inference.
High CPU usage
Each camera stream you add uses CPU on the device it is connected to and there is therefore a practical limit to the numbeof camera streams your device can simultaneously support. You can limit the CPU usage by reducing the image resolution.
Timeout errors on a Raspberry Pi

If you are getting “timeout” errors from GRPC when adding a webcam model on a Raspberry Pi, make sure the webcam port is enabled on the Pi (common if you are using a fresh Pi right out of the box).

To enable the webcam port on a Raspberry Pi, run the following command:

sudo raspi-config

Then, select: Interface Options -> Camera -> Enable Camera.

Restart the Pi to complete the configuration.

Next steps

For more configuration and usage info, see: