Modular Resource and Module Configuration Details

This page contains reference material. For quick instructions on configuring a module on your machine, see Configure hardware on your machine.

Modular resource configuration details

The modular resource card allows you to configure attributes for the resource.

The following image shows an example of a configured modular resource, specifically an ultrasonic sensor component. This modular component is made available by the ultrasonic module. See module configuration.

A configured modular resource example in the Viam app builder UI.
  "name": "sensor-1",
  "model": "viam:ultrasonic:sensor",
  "api": "rdk:component:sensor",
  "attributes": {
    "trigger_pin": "13",
    "echo_interrupt_pin": "15",
    "board": "board-1",
    "timeout_ms": 500
  "depends_on": []
  "name": "<your-model-instance-name>",
  "model": "<namespace>:<module-name>:<model-name>",
  "api": "<model-API-namespace>:<component|service>:<model-name>",
  "attributes": {
    "<relevant attributes--see module Readme>"
  "depends_on": []

The following properties are available for modular resources:

attributesobjectSometimes RequiredAny configuration attributes for your model Check the module’s GitHub Readme for information about available configuration attributes for a resource.
namestringRequiredWhat you want to name this instance of your modular resource.
apistringRequiredThe API namespace triplet.
modelstringRequiredThe full model namespace triplet of the modular resource’s model.
depends_onarrayOptionalThe name of components you want to confirm are available on your machine alongside your modular resource. Often a board. Unnecessary if you coded implicit dependencies.

Module configuration details

The following image shows an example of a configured module in a machine’s config. This ultrasonic sensor in the previous section is provided by the ultrasonic module shown here.

A configured module example in the Viam app builder UI.


  "modules": [
      "type": "registry",
      "name": "viam_ultrasonic",
      "module_id": "viam:ultrasonic",
      "version": "0.0.2"
      "type": "registry",
      "name": "viam_tflite_cpu",
      "module_id": "viam:tflite_cpu",
      "version": "latest"
      "type": "registry",
      "name": "viam_raspberry-pi",
      "module_id": "viam:raspberry-pi",
      "version": "1.1.0"

The config of both a module and a corresponding modular resource resembles the following:

  "components": [
      "name": "<your-model-instance-name>",
      "model": "<module-namespace>:<module-name>:<model-name>",
      "api": "<model-API-namespace>:<component|service>:<model-name>",
      "attributes": {}
  "modules": [
      "type": "registry",
      "name": "<module-namespace>_<module-name>",
      "module_id": "<module-namespace>:<module-name>",
      "version": "<module-version>",
      "env": {
        "MY_VAR": "<some-value>",
        "PATH": "<example-folder>:${environment.PATH}"

The following is an example configuration for the Intel Realsense module. The configuration adds viam:camera:realsense as a modular resource from the module viam:realsense. The model is configured as a component with the name myRealsenseCamera1.

  "components": [
      "name": "myRealsenseCamera1",
      "model": "viam:camera:realsense",
      "api": "rdk:component:camera",
      "attributes": {
        "sensors": ["color", "depth"]
      "depends_on": []
  "modules": [
      "type": "registry",
      "name": "viam_realsense",
      "module_id": "viam:realsense",
      "version": "0.0.11"

The following properties are configurable for each module:


You can specify:

  • a specific version (X.Y.Z) of the module to use
  • to pin the module version to the newest release, so your machine automatically updates to the latest version of the module that is available or to the latest patch release of a configured minor (X.Y._) or major (X._) version.
For more information, see Module versioning.

typestringRequiredregistry or local, depending on whether the module is in the Viam Registry or is only available locally on your computer.
module_idstringRequiredThe module author’s organization namespace or UUID, then a colon, then the name of the module. Identical to the first two pieces of the model namespace triplet. <module namespace>:<module name>.
namestringRequiredA name for this instance of the module.
envobjectOptionalEnvironment variables available to the module. For example { "API_KEY": "${environment.API_KEY}" }. Some modules require that you set environment variables as part of configuration. Check the module’s readme for more information. See environment variables.

Module versioning

You can configure how each module on your machine updates itself when a newer version becomes available from the Viam Registry. By default, a newly-added module is set to pin to the specific patch release (Patch (X.Y.Z)) of the version you added, meaning that the module will never automatically update itself.

To allow automatic module updates when a new version of the module becomes available in the Viam Registry, set the Pinned version type for your module in its module card on the CONFIGURE tab.

The module card

The following update options are available:

  • Patch (X.Y.Z): Do not update to any other version. This is the default.
  • Minor (X.Y.*): Only update to newer patch releases of the same minor release branch. The module will automatically restart and update itself whenever new updates within the same minor release are available in the Viam Registry. For example, use this option to permit a module with version 1.2.3 to update to version 1.2.4 or 1.2.5 but not 1.3.0 or 2.0.0.
  • Major (X.*): Only update to newer minor releases of the same major release branch. The module will automatically restart and update itself whenever new updates within the same major release are available in the Viam Registry. For example, use this option to permit a module with version 1.2.3 to update to version 1.2.4 or 1.3.0 but not 2.0.0 or 3.0.0.
  • Latest (latest): Always update to the latest version of this module available from the Viam Registry as soon as a new version becomes available.
  • Latest with prerelease (latest-with-prerelease): Always update to the latest release or prerelease version of this module available from the Viam Registry as soon as the new version becomes available.

When using the Patch (X.Y.Z) version type, you may select any patch version of the module from the Version dropdown menu, including past versions if desired.

The current deployed version of your module and the latest version of that module available from the Viam Registry are shown on this module card for your reference.

Environment variables

Each module has access to the following default environment variables. Not all of these variables are automatically available on local modules; you can manually set variables your module requires if necessary.

NameDescriptionAutomatically set on local modules?
VIAM_HOMEThe root of the viam-server configuration.
Default: $HOME/.viam

VIAM_MODULE_ROOTThe root of the module install directory. The module process uses this directory as its current working directory (cwd). This variable is useful for file navigation that is relative to the root of the module.
Example: /opt/my-module/verxxxx-my-module/

VIAM_MODULE_STARTUP_TIMEOUTDuration that modules are allowed to start up. Default: 5 minutes.

VIAM_MODULE_DATAA persistent folder location a module can use to store data across reboots and versions. This location is a good place to store python virtual environments.
Example: $VIAM_HOME/module-data/cloud-machine-id/my-module-name/
VIAM_MODULE_IDThe module ID of the module.
Example: viam:realsense
VIAM_API_KEYAn API key with access to the machine where this instance of the module is running.

VIAM_API_KEY_IDThe ID of the API key with access to the machine where this instance of the module is running.

VIAM_MACHINE_PART_IDThe ID of the part where this instance of the module is running.
VIAM_MACHINE_IDThe ID of the machine where this instance of the module is running.
VIAM_LOCATION_IDThe ID of the location that owns the machine where this instance of the module is running.
VIAM_PRIMARY_ORG_IDThe ID of the organization that owns the machine where this instance of the module is running.

You can also set additional environment variables.

Example: string value

Set the environment variable MODULE_USER:

  "modules": [
      "env": {
        "MODULE_USER": "my-username"

Use the notation ${environment.<ENV-VAR-NAME>} to access any system environment variable that viam-server has access to, where <ENV-VAR-NAME> represents a system environment variable, like PATH, USER, or PWD. For example, you can use ${environment.HOME} to access the HOME environment variable for the user running viam-server.

Example: system variable

To set the path to a program or library on a machine, you can set a system variable:

  "modules": [
      "env": {
        "PATH": "/home/username/bin:${environment.PATH}"