View and Filter Data

After the data management service synchronizes the uploaded data in Viam, you can view it on the DATA page in the Viam app.

Images, files, and sensors tabs

The DATA page displays data from all resources you are an owner of within the organization you are currently authenticated to. This includes data from any locations shared with your organizations. For more information on who can do what with data, see Permissions.

The DATA page shows data about:

  • Images: PNG or JPEG files
  • Point clouds: collections of points in 3D space
  • Files: binary data like .mov files
  • Sensors: tabular sensor counts (like gantry position)

If you click on an image or a file, a Details panel appears on the right with capture metadata.

Data view with an image selected

Filter data

On the DATA page in the Viam app, you can filter data in the left Filters panel. You can filter by several categories including machine name, location, or timestamp range.

For example, if you specify Rover Rental for location and click Apply, you can see all data captured on machines that belong to your Rover Rental location.

You can also filter data using the Viam Python SDK. For example, you could use the BinaryDataByFilter or TabularDataByFilter methods to filter binary data or sensor data respectively.

To query your data using SQL or MQL instead, see Query Data using SQL / MQL.

Delete data

You can delete image or file data from the Viam app. To delete image data, hover over an image and click on the checkbox on the image. Then click on Delete selected. You can delete multiple images at once by selecting them individually or by holding the SHIFT key to select a range of images. To delete a file, click on the file in the Files subtab and click the Delete icon.

To delete all image, file, or sensor data respectively, click on DELETE ALL in the top right corner.

Data view with no image selected showing the Delete all button

You can also delete data using the Viam CLI.

Next steps

To export your captured data from the cloud, see Export Data.

If you have synced data, such as sensor readings, you can query that data with SQL or MQL from the Viam app or a MQL-compatible client. If you have synced images, you can use those images to train machine learning models within the Viam app.

For a comprehensive tutorial on using data capture and synchronization together with the ML model service, see Capture Data and Train a Model.

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